Digital Luggage Scale

Production Time: 5 Working Days
100 $8.67 each
300 $8.17 each
500 $7.67 each
1000 $7.00 each
3000 $6.67 each
5000 $4.82 each
10000 $4.67 each
30000 $4.33 each
50000 $4.00 each
100000 $3.67 each
This digital luggage scale is designed for travelers, featuring an easy-to-read LCD screen and a maximum weight capacity of 50kg/110lb. It includes an on/off button, unit conversion (kg/lb), and a removable battery slot for convenience. The scale is equipped with a durable webbing belt and a sturdy hook for secure attachment to your luggage. Compact and lightweight, it ensures accurate measurements to avoid overweight baggage fees, making it an essential travel accessory.

Normal Production Time
5 Working Days

Product Size

0.25 lbs

Additional Information
Hook your suitcased for instant weight and save time before you wait in line Orders of 5000pieces or greater are eligible for sea shipping.

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