Energel-X® Retractable Gel Ink Pen

Production Time: 7 Working Days
250 $1.92 each
500 $1.85 each
1000 $1.81 each
2500 $1.67 each
5000 $1.62 each
  • Liquid Gel-Ink
  • Retractable Gel Ink Pen
  • Super Fast-Dry Gel Ink
  • Latex-Free Comfort Grip
  • Eco-Friendly
EnerGel-X Retractable Gel Ink Pen is a high quality, low cost plastic pen in your choice of 8 popular colors, see Options for color choices. 0.7mm medium black ink metal tip refill, latex-free comfort grip and quick dry, no smear super smooth writing. Prices include a one color imprint on the barrel on opposite side of clip. One color imprint only on this product. Eco-friendly, made of 84% recycled materials. Black ink is standard, blue pen only is available with blue or black ink at no charge, optional blue ink refills available on other colors with additional charge.

Normal Production Time
7 Working Days

8 lbs. per 250

Country of Manufacture

Additional Information
Price Include a 1 color silk-screened imprint on a 1 1/2"w x 5/8"h area on the barrel. One color imprint only on this product.
See "Options" for product colors and additional charges.

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